Wednesday, March 5, 2014

It's time for Ella's Corner!


Is this thing on?! *taps microphone* //feedback!// (x.O) *clears throat*. Okay! Hello Fantasy Fae Fashion Followers, and welcome to Ella's Corner! I'm Ellamae, and FYI, I'll be frequently overusing the exclamation point and several emoticons in our whimsical adventures for the sake of fun and enthusiasm, so YAY! 

What I have first for you is a glance at some of the wonder emanating from the Arcade Gacha, as well as a few other fantastic finds from this week! Don't forget the Arcade Gacha ends precisely at midnight on the last day of the month, so get in while you still can! 

Now, in my bubbley wonderland I've rezzed for you a sampling of some of the wonderful decor being offered at the Arcade Gacha this month, as well as a few fantastic accessories. 

A beautiful hair from Exile, some amazing hats from .Enfant Terrible. and who wouldn't want to take home these cute curly horns and those adorable sheep, courtesy of +Half-Deer+ To complete the picture, i paired these fun gacha prizes with a lovely dress from [Teri]otrope and this to-die-for skin, courtesy of WoW Skins! [Teri]otrope offered this dress in several amazing colors as one of two 25L Tuesday offers (Click to view the 25L Tuesday blog!) And this WoW skin was listed for 70L$ at the Cosmopolitan Sales Room. Along with the skin, for 70L$ each are appliers for Lolas Tango breasts, Slink hands and Slink feet as well. How awesome is that?!


(Since this is the first edition of Ella's Corner on the Fantasy Fashion Blog, i'll also be listing the body items i use, most of which will appear in most of my posts)

Item = Name = Place Received = Originating Store = Creator (No display names used)


Pin Cushion = O.M.E.N - Dear John - Pin Cushion = Arcade Gacha Event = O.M.E.N = DamascusVera

Pillow = AF Pillow (Tree) = Arcade Gacha = Apple Fall = WareHouseFifteenDesigns

Decorative Screen = {anc} Bdream.partition 1Li = Arcade Gacha = {anc} art named capering = Aki69

Drink = erratic / home - drink / mojito = Arcade Gacha = erratic = Erratic Rain

Sheep = +Half-Deer+ Kerfluffle Sheep = Arcade Gacha = +Half-Deer+ = Halogen Magic

Tray = {B.C.C}YumYum Mochi Tray Bear Cinnamon [Strawberry Syrup] = Arcade Gacha = Bonne Chance = vitamingirl



Dress = [Teri] Jasmine XS Seagras Brown = [Teri]otrope Main store (Purchased during the 25L Tuesdays event.) = [Teri]otrope = Adira Spingflower

Hat = .Enfant Terrible. Kokoshnik - Russia rose = Arcade Gacha = .Enfant Terrible. = Leenfantterrible

Horns = +Half-Deer+ Aventine Horns - Forget-Me-Not = Arcade Gacha = +Half-Deer+ = Halogen Magic

Necklace = MG - Necklace - Teardrop Turtle - Purple = Arcade Gacha = Maxi Gossamer = Maxi Gossamer


Hair = Exile::Rain or Shine #1 Blacks (Shine - Raven) - Arcade Gacha Event. = Exile = Kavar Cleanslate

Skin = .::WoW Skins::. Kate Milk skin = Purchased at the Cosmopolitan Sales Room = .::WoW Skins::. = Sawsan Secretspy

Dimples = Kennedy's "Dimples" = Marketplace = Kennedy's (Closed in world) = Kennedy Gearz

Eyes = :*BABY*: SuperBaby Eyes {In BabyBlue and BabyGreen} = Marketplace = ..+*{ BABY PRINCESS}*+.. = Even Genesis

Lashes = *GA* Mesh Lashes Starlia = Marketplace = GAELINE CREATIONS = Gael Streeter

Ears = *~*Illusions*~* Brownie Ears = Marketplace = *~*Illusions*~* = Siyu Suen

Feet = **NOYA** <Flat Bare Feet v2.0> = Marketplace = Noya designs = NOYA

Shape = (not sold in stores, i made that :P)


That's all for now folks, from Ella's Corner :D

....*voice echos from another room* "How was that, Momma?!"...


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