Saturday, December 31, 2011

Creative Chaos Rules Them All

In my personal opinion, I find it's hard to find a beautifully detailed and fantastically designed gown for under 1000L. Now, my standards for what my character may wear, may be different than yours, but I like my character dressed to befit her status. Which is Queen of Sevenwaters. I know, snob an a half, but it's really important to dress appropriately for your sim and character. I hate seeing girls walk into my court half dressed, looking like medieval hookers. If you want that, go to a brothel. if you are a Lady of the Court, or simply a wandering traveler, I would expect to see your character dressed to reflect the period and your position. not only that, but it's January and cold outside. You wouldn't be in a Bear skin Bikini in my sim... NOT ALLOWED.

Your character may be a peasant, shop boy, Merchant, stable de da, but for me, I would like, for once, to buy a gown for 99L and call it a day.

I have searched, I have purchased, and I have conquered! 

I am thrilled to be able to share some of my findings for you that are not only lovely designs, but period specific, and richly textured in a variety of colors for whatever one may fancy.

The first two gowns are appropriate for casual Court Calls, the Theatre, or other informal, but fitted for Nobility outings. The third gown is appropriate for those working in a Tavern, gardening, going to the village Tavern, or other outings befitting a villager or working class low ranking noble woman. 


Gown: Creative Chaos- Claudia Gown-Green 99L
Eyes: Ibanez Eye's- Arcanum-Caldonian 
Hair: Exile-Tempest-Light Blondes
Jewelry: Emerald celtic Danna Crown By Lazrith Fardel
Skin: LAQ-Thea-Nougat 

 Gown: Creative Chaos- Helena- Green 99L
Eyes: Glam Affair-Stella Eyes-09
Hair: Calico Ingmann Creations-Genevieve 2- Light Blondes
Skin: LAQ-Vilda-Nougat
Jewelry: Husky- Eowyn Flower necklace
Lion's Crest-Victoriae Wedding Band-White Gold
Nails: TGIS Nails Set 2 V.2
Lashes: Amacci-Lux
Gown: Creative Chaos-Thea-Gray 25L
Hair: D!va-Mana-Cat's Eye
Jewelry: League-Wanderer Set

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