Tuesday, February 18, 2014


…So…. After GENRE opened and I was introduced to the Label, Sweet Lies by Hadarah Steamer I was immediately hooked. I ran over to her store and literally picked up everything I could carry… I LOVE EVERYTHING!

I've been in this gown all day and have been complimented over ten times… I cannot believe I didn't know this store existed. Just goes to show you how much is actually out there. Anywho. I'm wearing the "Lilthya" gown in Teal (it comes in a variety of colors) and included with the gown is a gorgeous diadem, collar, belt, and bracelets… An entire outfit. The best yet? It's under 100L. Ya just can't beat that. I've paired it with some Gacha items I won earlier in the month and haven't worn yet… 

---->CLICK HERE<----
For a Cab to Sweet Lies

…I feel pretty! Oh so pretty!


Gown, Collar, Diadem, belt, and bracelets-Sweet Lies-Lilthya-Teal

Trident & Crown-May's Soul

Eyes-Ikon-Promise Eyes-Storm 

Poses-Imeka-Neva Pose pack


  1. Believe me, I also love that you found my shop, I love your photos! Thank you very much!

  2. I'm so happy you love the photos… I seriously love everything you make. I dragged all my girlfriends to your store! Ha! We bought you out! My Male blogger is : Chance Toki

    He's pretty awesome and does amazing blog post… if you ever want him to review your Men's items, go ahead and contact him. he's super nice and I'm sure he'd flip over your Men's items…as I did. LOL!

    Can't wait to see what you'll design next!


  3. I tried to area search in the store for the dress. Couldnt find it. im me in world Leia Cale

  4. It's there! I promise, LOL! It also comes in different colors! Yay! I hope you find it >.<
